Zip-up hoodies, they’re cute and versatile. It is sure to keep you nice and toasty when the temperature falls. You can store your sunglasses, earbuds, and other essentials in your hoodie when you are in an “icebox airplane cabin”. Carrying a Sun Hat can Help Protect You from Harsh UV Rays while you bask in the sun during your summer holidays.

Your phone can run out of charge on a long airplane ride, but carrying your favorite novel can save you from the long and dreadful hours you have to spend inside. Brownie points, for it, will make you look like a curious person who is open to learning more about the world.
Take an Instax camera with you, it might initially seem retro, but it’s lightweight and pocket-friendly, so you will be motivated to create memories with it.

Having a sunburn can ruin your vacation. Since you’re closer to the ozone layer while traveling in an airplane the sun’s rays are simply more powerful. Moreover, extended exposure to UVA rays can contribute to the development of skin cancers.
“Travelers should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection, at a minimum of SPF 30” -Mizrahi-Levi.
Carry a travel medical kit, you can choose the items in your kit depending on the remoteness of the place you would be visiting and the activities you will be undertaking. Keep an eye out for toiletries there are plenty of affordable, lightweight alternative options designed for travel.

To check your baggage allowance, search your airline name followed by a baggage calculator, and you shall inspect the results. Always remember to consult the official website of the airline you are traveling with.

Make sure to share items from your fun and quirky travel checklist in the comment section below. Have fun and keep listening to Radio Olive Kids!