Now that school is back in session, it’s time to start thinking about coats, backpacks, pencil crayons, glue, scissors, markers, pens, and paper. With all the things our kids need, how do you keep it all organized?
Learning can be easier and more fun for kids when they are organized. At first, it might be a bit challenging, but it will be worth it in the end. Here are some tips to help kids improve their organization skills at home.
Children should have an identified study space in the home. All necessary materials should be on hand before they start, including dictionary, pencils, paper, ruler, calculator and other and study tools. Ensure that all distractions are eliminated before they begin studying. Children should be free from internet and other entertainments. They also need a suitable table and lamp. It will help to create right environment to study.
Encourage children to use the monthly calendar in their working notebook. They can note upcoming tests, project submission date, upcoming events in school etc. They could create their own deadlines and put them in their calendar. On the first day of school, we should start a routine for completing homework. Study time may be different from each child according to their attitudes and interests.
Writing lecture notes is a good way to organise and coordinate learning. There will be lot of extra information which helps them to understand the topic deeply. Every day, children should discuss all the new information which get from school with parents. This can make kids feel more secure and confident.
Children should be trained to keep their belongings neatly. They must clean their backpacks every day and arrange books and other study materials according to the timetable. If so, they won’t have to scramble in the morning to pack everything. They can make a check list to ensure their daily activities for studies. Encourage them to make their school uniforms ready for the following day and hang them somewhere easily accessible.
At the end of each week, Children should check their important events and deadlines coming up over the following weeks. They must look through all the papers, notes, and other things they have accumulated. Also, they should recycle or throw away all the things they don’t need. There are various websites and apps to make studying fun and organized. Habitica, My study life are good apps to help the children in the preparation of exams and time management.


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Now that school is back in session, it’s time to start thinking about coats, backpacks, pencil crayons, glue, scissors, markers, pens, and paper. With all


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